The 25 Best Products for Ecommerce

Isaac Hayward
HK Digital Co-Founder
31st October 2022

If you are reading this article on the 25 Best products for ecommerce, you have likely decided you want to start a journey into ecommerce. Alternatively, you can be coming back or simply looking for new ideas. This list combines products drawn from popular platforms like Shopify, and Amazon and the general market trends for these products. I hope it will help inspire you in your ecommerce ventures and help you decide which of these products you want to use for your business. 

Best Products for Ecommerce

When it comes to products, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

Every business is different, and the best products for ecommerce will vary depending on the business and its needs. However, a few key factors are common to most successful ecommerce businesses.

First, the products that you sell must be of high quality. This means they should be of good quality and have features that appeal to your target market.

Second, you need to make sure that your products are available at a wide range of prices.

Third, you need to provide excellent customer service. This means that you should be able to respond quickly to customer queries and offer a high level of support.

Finally, it is important to focus on building a strong brand name for your business.

But all of these things are made easier if you actually have a product you believe in, and that customers are actively looking for. So, here is our list of the 25 Best Products for ecommerce. 

Product #1 - Portable Solar Panels

The War in Ukraine and the ever more prevalent effects of Global warming are impacting people's demand for sources of clean, renewable energy. This has resulted in people being more eager to invest money in alternatives, like solar panels.

These photovoltaic cells can be used to harness energy from the sun, and the demand for them has been increasing exponentially. Portable solar panels are among the best products for ecommerce to start selling soon, as the interest in them is only continuing to grow.


With this trend set to continue, you will be betting on a product for which demand will only continue to increase. Portable solar panels are especially trendy in the following markets:

- Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. 

Product #2 - Shampoo

Shampoo is one of the essential products that people will use daily, making it a product that you can always sell regardless of the season. And the variety of shampoo products has drastically increased over the years, with new products coming to the market almost daily.

Consumers are shedding the All-in-one shampoo solutions and are instead looking for luxury alternatives, with shampoo for high-volume hair, anti-dandruff shampoo, and, of course, organic and natural shampoos. While women remain at the top when it comes to demand for shampoo products, demand from men has also increased. 

The trends are indicating that Shampoo is only growing in popularity, making it an ideal product for you to pounce on if you have an exclusive idea in mind. So, shampoo has made it onto our list of Best ecommerce products. 

Product #3 - One Piece Swimsuits

Certainly more tied to seasonality than the aforementioned two products, one-piece swimsuits have seen a resurgence in popularity. They are incredibly popular with the approach of summer and with the exception of this year (2022) they almost always peaked higher than the previous year, making them one of our best products for ecommerce.

One Piece Swimsuits can be made to look incredibly fancy with top-of-the-line graphical options and design that never goes out of fashion. If you want to cash in on the summer seasons (which will likely only continue) consider investing in this product for your ecommerce store.

Trends indicate that this type of product is especially popular in the English-speaking world (United States, New Zealand, Australia etc).

Product #4 - Scented Candles

Scented candles are a great way to add a little bit of fragrance to your home, and they were an absolutely booming product during the peak moments of the pandemic. They are more generally more popular in the winter, but they are products with a constant following and interest. If you can make a memorable experience with your candles like DiamondCandles did with theirs, or become a cult staple like the Yankee Candle has become, you are going to be seeing the fruits of your labor pay off. 

Due to how many scented fragrances there are available you can experiment with different combinations until you find one that will resonate best with your audience. Do not be afraid to experiment with this type of product, if you get it right you will be operating a store with one of the best ecommerce products out there!

Product #5 - Mousepads

Mousepads have become an interesting accessory to decorate one's home office. These days they come in various shapes and sizes, with many features or without any. I am writing this article on a mousepad that stretches all the way across my desk, and I love it. But others may prefer the tiny classical ones, or ones made from leather. 

The options to create a lasting brand with a unique selling point is out there. Logitech for instance made a huge name for itself with its amazing wireless charging mousepad. So, feel free to explore the market of mouse pads and come up with a product that will work for you. 

Product #6 - Temporary Tattoos

Temporary tattoos are a fun way to add a little color to your skin, and they are also a great way to show your support for your favorite team or sport. They also come with the added benefit of well, not being permanent. These quirky things can come incredibly handy as the world continues to encourage a style of self-exploration. 

The profit margins for temporary tattoos are significant, enabling you to make a good return on one of our best products for ecommerce. The demand is also relatively steady as shown by trends and demand tends to peak around the summer period. Making it a great choice for you to jump on now in the winter with prices expected to drop you can stock up for the summer!

Product #7 - Belt Buckles

Belt buckles are a great way to add a little bit of style to your outfit. They can be worn with any outfit, and they can brighten up any outfit. This is what has made us add Belt buckles to this list of best products for ecommerce.

With a curated shop or product collection, you can tailor your products to specific customer niches or act as a gateway into a new variety of product categories. Depending on how you target your brand, there could be opportunities to expand into related product verticals, such as boots or hats.

And with the rise of visual heavy platforms like TikTok you can create great visuals to spark interest in your product line like never before, making your product a must-have accessory rather than a practical one.

Do not forget to utilize User Generated Content to increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Of course, the demand for these products is highest in the United States and down-under Australia. 

Product #8 - Bluetooth Speakers

With the release of Bluetooth 5.0, Bluetooth speakers are not only easier to install but also feature better audio quality. These devices are a great way to add some extra sound and vibration to your day. They're perfect for when you want to enjoy your music in a public setting, making them a must on our best products for ecommerce list. 

The rise of companies like JBL has made it apparent how hot of an industry this is right now. The competition is fierce and there are a lot of well established brands, so if you want to stand-out more, you will have to manufacture a speaker that will be memorable.

Think about the setting you want your users to use their bluetooth speakers in and work your way up from there. Since their rise in popularity back in 2016, Bluetooth speakers are here to stay for the near future, making this a good investment for your ecommerce store.

Product #9 - Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are a great way to relax and boost your energy levels. They are also great for relieving anxiety and stress, and they are the perfect product for your next ecommerce store. Landing them a solid 9th place on our Best products for ecommerce list.

Companies like Pukka have taken the market by storm in the last few years, and where traditional tea has been taking a dip (mostly due to coffee), herbal teas are on the rise.

Herbal Teas are one of the products that are also finally trending more in our less traditional markets, making them an ideal product for you if you want to expand your ecommerce reaches to new locations. 

Product #10 - Minimalist Wallets

Minimalist wallets are becoming more and more popular these days. They are perfect for people who want to keep their wallets slim and minimalistic. They tend to be made out of a single material, such as leather or silk and they sport only one or two card pockets with no other compartments. 

The rise of contactless payment methods has made it so that people need less space for their cards, this in turn has paved the way for more minimalist wallets. Add to that the fact that cash is also become less and less popular as a payment method and you have got yourself a trendy product.

While minimalist wallets have been a bit up and down when it comes to their demand, they have followed the same trends for years, making them a comfortable choice for many entrepreneurs, this is why I have included it on our list of best products for ecommerce.

Product #11 - False Eyelash Accessories

If you are looking for a trendy product that you can easily jump in on in the beauty industry, then look no further than simple false eyelash accessories. The demand for these accessories has been growing on popular platforms like AliExpress, Amazon and Shopify.

Due to the nature of the product you can add false eyelash accessories to an array of possible products such as brush-on adhesive and applicators, making it a popular product to add to your beauty store.

By selling false eyelash accessories as a bundled product you can maximize on your AOV and increase the revenue of your store. They are a great product to use and among the best products for ecommerce, but the competition on the market is high.

You will have to do work with a dropshipping model or create a really exclusive product experience if this will be the only product you are selling.

Product #12 - Cables

The market for cables and wires is ridiculously big. I mean it hit a market size of over $183 billion back in 2020, and that has not really stopped. Demand is expected to continue to increase at a rate of about 4.4% every year for the foreseeable future.

No one should really be surprised as with the rise of the number of electronic devices and accessories that we have, the demand for cables is not going to slow down.

Cables are one of the best products for ecommerce as their profit margins are amazing, and the demand is not slowing down. I would not recommend you go out and build an ecommerce store that focuses on just cables but I would use it as an upsell product for an electronics store to drastically improve your bottom line. 

And probably the best cable you can pick is the all-popular HDMI cable

Product #13 - LED Light Strips

Anything with LED in it is bound to do pretty well if you can get traffic to it. LED Lights are a booming industry in general. LED's in the form of hexagons as shown in the image below have been a booming business for a while now, but there are other LED trends you can jump on. 

Coming in at number 13 on our list of best products for ecommerce are LED Light strips. While the trends may indicate that the run on these has died down a bit I would not get discouraged. As LED Light strips are a great way to add atmosphere to otherwise boring regular lights, they can be easily attached to walls, on the floor, or even the ceiling making them a universal way to brighten up any room. 

With the production costs of these LED Light strips being so low, you can sell these in decorative bundles and make a decent return. 

Product #14 - Wireless Phone Chargers

We just talked about cables and even though I am a huge fan of cables, I also have to admit that wireless devices are great. And the market for wireless phone chargers has become a hot new trend that people are eagerly jumping on. Especially, if you can offer a competitively priced product. 

The trends are all over the place, but are mostly trending upwards. As more and more phones begin to adopt wireless charging technology, you can rest assured that this demand will continue to increase. For now though, make sure that you pick a market that has matured with a steady demand for this type of product, like the United States. 

Product #15 - Beanies

Beanies are a great way to keep your head warm during the winter months, but they are also a popular item for sale on ecommerce platforms. Look, Beanies are awesome.

Looking at the trends, there you can also find that beanies are often used for charitable causes on top of being a way to maintain your body heat. This is a typical winter product - so get your products ready by September at the latest and prepare for a warm summer full of sales.

Beanies are among the best products for ecommerce due to your ability to create unique relatable designs, you can capitalize on popular trends and produce a range of beanies for everyone to remember. 

Product #16 - Computer/Laptop Accessories

The Pandemic cemented the idea of remote work. In 2022 16% of all companies worldwide were 100% remote, a number that is expected to continue to rise as hybrid models are adopted and more 100% remote companies begin to operate. At HK Digital we also operate on a 100% remote model, and this is why we place such a huge emphasis on our Laptop accessories. 

And we are not the only ones, according to Google Trends, there is a steady demand for Laptop accessories online. Making it among the best products for ecommerce for you to start or dive into.

There is a huge variety of products that can come into play here, consider products like docking stations, chargers and speakers. But if you are being crafty you can combine it with Cables, LED Light strips, and mouse pads.

The demand here is good and by creating bundles of accessories you can even sell to offices directly allowing you to operate on both a B2B and B2C model.

Product #17 - Smartphone Tripods

Phone tripods are an affordable and functional item for professional photographers and amateur hobbyists. It was once selfie sticks, but now it’s tripods that are selling the quickest.

They are great to sell on sites like eBay or Craigslist to make quick cash, or if you are feeling more adventurous you can setup a store on Shopify or Amazon, if you are unsure which to choose you can read our article Shopify or Amazon.

The rise of popularity in phone tripods is a natural occurrence due to the rise in popularity of platforms like TikTok, so it is likely that this demand will stay high for a while longer, making this one of the best products for ecommerce to jump into if you are looking for a trending product. 

Product #18 - Hiking Backpacks

Hiking is becoming more and more popular. In the United States alone between the years 2015-2020, there was a 34% increase in the number of hikers. This has made hiking the fourth most-popular outdoor activity in the U.S., just after fishing, biking, and running. This number is increasing though, year over year and every hiker needs a good backpack. 

If you want to succeed in this space I recommend you invest in a higher quality product - ideally a customizable modular backpack to capture as much of your target audience as possible.

Hiking backpacks are the best products for ecommerce due to the demand, and the overall higher price tags than other products. Any hiker will be happy to invest a decent chunk of their change to acquire a good backpack.

CLTV (customer lifetime value) can be a bit of a concern if your backpacks are of high quality making them durable (which they should) so you should consider other strategies to increase your revenue over time. 

Product #19 - Sweaters

Everyone loves a warm sweater on a cold day, this is why for the winter season sweaters are among the best products for ecommerce you can have. The demand for this type of garment is so high in the winter that it receives over 250,000 searchers per month, making it a great seasonal product.

Sweaters can come in many forms and can be both entertaining and luxurious products. A lot of it will depend on the quality of the materials used for the production of the sweater.

If you are looking to get started in this space, I suggest you create one type of sweater first and attempt to generate enough sales for it throughout the winter, before you re-invest the money in a collection of summer clothes.

Sweaters are amazing and cozy, so when the winter comes around an updated design can allow you to cash in on your past purchasers.

Product #20 - Measuring Cups and Spoons

Probably not what you expected to find on a list of best products for ecommerce, but measuring cups and spoons are essential for accurate food preparation.

Shopify reported that these products are especially popular in Sweden, but Google Trends is showing us that it is in general quite a popular category. A granular keyword research approach will show you that there is a demand for a huge variety of measuring cups and spoons.

This is why you should decide on the type of and size of products you want to sell. You could opt for an incredibly innovative approach and work with a "0 plastic policy" for your measuring cups, giving you a unique value proposition that others lack. 

Product #21 - Pet Carriers

Shopify reported that the pet carrier market (yes, that is a thing) is expected to reach $851.5 million by 2028. If you want a piece of this pie, I suggest you jump on this as one of the best products for ecommerce. It enjoys a high demand (that is increasing), does not have any issues with seasonality and because people love their pets, they are usually quite happy to pay a premium. 

This space has without a doubt a lot of room for improvement. I would suggest starting by reviewing mining Amazon products and taking note of all the negative comments that people have placed on competing products, and taking that as feedback and a base for your future pet carrier.

If you are more into the dropshipping model or reselling model, find a decent supplier and work your way up from there.

Product #22 - Toys

Toys have always been on the list of best products for ecommerce. The Toy Association has estimated that the US Toy Market was worth $38.2 billion in 2021. That is a huge number and it represented a 14.2% increase in comparison to the previous year. It is undoubtedly one of the most lucrative markets out there, so long as you can convince parents (or children) that the toy you have is right for them. 

I worked closely with Skriware on their consumer version of a programmable robot and I can comfortably tell you, that the best way to sell these products is to find a way to put them in the hands of kids. With the rise of YouTube and TikTok toy review channels, you can put a lot of eyeballs on your Toys to generate the exposure you need to succeed. 

The longevity of toys is tricky, consider for instance products like LEGO which keeps coming out with new product lines to capture new customers. But if you can do a successful marketing run and generate enough sales, you should have enough to continue expanding. Alternatively, you can simply resell already existing toys. 

Product #23 - Nail Polish

Nail polish is one of the most popular products sold online in ecommerce shops. Does that make it one of the best products for ecommerce? Not necessarily. 

What makes this product so great for ecommerce is the fact that it is easily packaged, shipped, and sold to customers worldwide. It does not require complicated explainer videos and if you carve out your own niche (i.e. specific colors) you can make your Nail Polish stand out, allowing you to market it successfully. 

If you are feeling experimental and entrepreneurial might I suggest you venture into the space of male nail polish? 

Product #24 - Doormats

Doormats are a niche ecommerce product that has been quietly trending for a while now. It is slowly being picked up by more and more sellers as they have identified it as a great product. What makes doormats one of the best products for ecommerce is the fact that they are cheap to manufacture, can be easily purchased in bulk, and resold for a good profit.

You can dip into the market by crafting funny captions on your doormats, or take the "custom t-shirt approach" and let people design their own doormats. The possibilities are almost endless and at the end of the day if you do well in this space, you can come home to your own doormat that says "welcome home".

Product #25 - Car Phone Holders

Technology has transformed modern life for the better, but that doesn’t mean that it is always equally convenient. The rise of ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft has made it increasingly important to be able to easily navigate while driving. Car Phone holders have been a quiet engine running a strong part of the market, as demand for this type of product increased. 

The longevity of this product is a bit of a question - as the rise of Apple Car Play and Android Auto is slowly making these more rudimental products a bit outdated. But if you are looking for one of the best products for ecommerce, this is a staple choice.

If you want to put your own convenience first, I suggest running this type of product from an Amazon FBA store, and put your sales as much on autopilot as possible.


There are several products that can be used to start your journey in ecommerce. But what are the best products for ecommerce?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the type of product, the target market, and the budget you have. 

There is no one right answer, but the most ideal products for ecommerce include clothing, accessories, home goods, and beauty products. What most of these products have in common is that they are either:

  1. Cheap to manufacture and understand (nail polish, laptop accessories)
  2. Unique and customizable (beanies, temporary tattoos, sweaters), or
  3. Practical (Cables, Car phone holders).

So if you are looking for the best products for ecommerce, if they fall in any of the above characteristics chances are that you have already found your product to sell!

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