Use These 7 Push Notifications for Ecommerce

Olaf-Sebastian Krysik
HK Digital Co-Founder
3rd November 2022

Ecommerce is a growing industry, with more and more people buying things online every day. In order to stay ahead of the curve in this competitive market, you need to be using the latest push notifications for ecommerce on your website. In this article, we’ll take a look at 7 of the best ones for your ecommerce businesses.

What are Push Notifications for Ecommerce

Push notifications are a great way to keep your customers updated on your latest sales and updates. They can be helpful in keeping them informed about special deals or new products that you have available.

Push notifications for ecommerce can be implemented in a number of ways. You can send them directly to your customers’ phones or if they are on desktop using their browser. If you want to go all out, you can even utilize a dedicated App like Customer.io to help you send out push notifications alongside text messages and emails. 

There are several benefits to using push notifications for ecommerce. They can be very effective in driving traffic to your store. They can also help you to increase the sale of your products.

If you are planning on using push notifications for ecommerce, it is important to consider the different options and to make sure that you have the necessary infrastructure in place to support them. 

1. Cart Abandonment Push Notifications for Ecommerce

Push notifications are a great way to keep your customers engaged with your products and services. They can help you to remind them about their orders, provide notification of product updates, and more.

If you are using cart abandonment push notifications for ecommerce, you should be using specific types of notifications for different stages of the customer’s purchase journey. Not everybody who has abandoned their cart is equal, and not every filled-up cart is the same. Before you start sending out Cart Abandonment push notifications, consider adding a Wishlist option to your site to avoid unnecessary Add-to-Carts. 

When you are ready, then I recommend you include the following elements in your Push Notifications for Ecommerce Cart abandonment:

  1. Snappy Emoji: 🤯
  2. You forgot {insert product here}. 
  3. Offer or discount
  4. Call-to-Action. 

You could end up with a Push Notification like this:

The more personalized you can make your push notifications for ecommerce to your recipients, the higher your chance of success.

2. Real Time Tracking Update Push Notifications for Ecommerce

Everybody wants to know when their purchase will arrive at their doorstep. Look, over 88% of people considered real-time tracking an important part of their customer experience. You can help them out by providing Real-time tracking push notifications for ecommerce. 

Do not make it too complicated for people, keep it short and simple. Keep in mind that you are looking to let them know about the status of their package. You can set up a straightforward sequence like:

Order Received > Order Processed > Order Shipped > Order arrived in your area > Order has been delivered.

But you can also make it a lot more complex, adding even more sequences to your messaging. I would however stick to the basics first, and would do it like this:

  1. James🙌! Your order has been received.
  2. 🚢Your order No. XXXXX has been shipped. 
  3. 📮 Your order is almost here!
  4. 🎉 Your Order has been delivered. Enjoy it.

If you want more inspiration for this type of real-time tracking of orders, I suggest you turn to the industry that has mastered it. The food delivery sector draws some inspiration from companies like UberEats or GrubHub

3. Upsell/Cross-sell Push Notifications for Ecommerce

If you’re running an ecommerce business, then you should be using push notifications for ecommerce to keep your customers engaged and maximizing your Average Order Values.

Upsell push notifications for ecommerce are notifications that are designed to upsell your customers on additional products or services. They might include a special deal that you’re offering or a notification about a new product that has just been added to your store.

Cross-selling push notifications for ecommerce are notifications designed to promote products that are related to the one that your customer has just ordered. 

You can decide what type of strategy you want to adopt for your ecommerce store, but I recommend that you stick to the best principles.

A great example for a Cross-sell push notification would be to offer wireless headphones to accompany their brand new phone. Timing is essential here, as you want them to still be able to add the headphones to their order. 

On the other hand, an Upsell push notification for ecommerce would instead focus on convincing your customers to buy a more expensive or higher version of the same product. For instance, suggest the buyer buy a higher-end mechanical keyboard as opposed to the cheaper membrane one they just secured. 

When you proactively recommend relevant cross-selling and upselling products to your customers with promotions in push notifications, your revenues will increase and so will the customer lifetime value (CLTV).

4. Story Push notifications for Ecommerce

By using story push notifications, you can keep your customers engaged and informed about your latest updates and sales in a fun and informative way.

There are four types that make up story push notifications for ecommerce, these are:

  1. Be funny and entertaining in the information you share. For instance: 😔 Oh no! We have run out of all of our 🌈Magic Cereal. Want to know when it is back in stock?
  2. Use relevant events to boost your engagement. For instance: The Rams🐏 won the Superbowl! Celebrate their win with a discount on all sports gear! 
  3. Share important company updates. For instance: 🚨 Our founder James was just on CNN talking about the importance of vegan products.
  4. Intriguing notification. 🏆 What is in our products? Take the quiz and win a year of free shipping.

Story Push notifications should serve as a break through the clutter, they are supposed to be exciting and relevant at that moment. So long as you do not go overboard by spamming these every day you should be able to get good traction from them. 

5. Sudden Promotion Push Notifications for Ecommerce

Sudden Promotion push notifications are a great way to increase your traffic and conversions. They work well for ecommerce platforms that have a large customer base. When you send a sudden promotion push notification, you will automatically send out a push notification to your customers that contains a link to the product that was just promoted.

This will help to increase your traffic and conversions as customers will be more likely to buy the product after seeing it promoted on your channels. You can also use sudden promotion push notifications to promote new products or updates to existing products. 

The whole point here is to keep these as a sudden surprise (while having them planned), so do not use this type of Push notification to celebrate normal events like Christmas, Thanksgiving or anything else. That defeats the purpose of sudden promotion push notifications for ecommerce.

6. Scarcity/FOMO Push Notifications for Ecommerce

In the age of a constantly streamed information crisis, it’s difficult not to miss any important deals while they happen. Push notifications for ecommerce can provide the kind of immediate response that can save your customers time and money that they would otherwise miss out on. 

Push notifications designed to create a sense of scarcity or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) help beat through the clutter and get eyeballs on your deal right there and then. These push notifications can prompt customers to make a purchase, join a waiting list, or subscribe to your newsletter immediately.

They have the advantage of being easier and faster to process than any email you send out, and this sense of immediate urgency makes them unique in their ability to drive traffic in one specific moment. However, these types of FOMO Push notifications are not good for long-term engagement. 

7. Wishlist Update Push Notifications for Ecommerce

Wishlist updates are one of the most important features on most ecommerce platforms. They allow you to keep your customers informed about the latest products that you have in stock, and they can help you to generate more sales. 

But if you are just sending out emails to let people know the product they desired is back in stock, you are missing out on a huge opportunity. I just talked about the power of FOMO Push notifications in creating a sense of desire there and then, this same logic applies to Wishlist updates. 

A person who adds a product to their wishlist has clearly stated that they want to buy the product. So, it is your job to best communicate to them that the time is right to buy.  These Wishlist Update push notifications for ecommerce can be used to create campaigns with the intent of informing users about your products. Since the user is already engaged with you, personalized notifications can increase the chance of a conversion by re-engaging with them about their wish list product.


If you're running an ecommerce business, you should be using push notifications for ecommerce to keep your customers up-to-date with your latest sales and product announcements. They are a great way to keep customers informed about promotions and product updates. You can use them for Cross-selling and upselling to increase your CLTV and AOV, and even to tackle Cart Abandonment. 

But they can also be used to share important announcements about your company, when for instance you are having issues with delivery. While this type of information is not ideal, by adding another form of communication with your customers, you are building up your transparency and trust.

To help you implement push notifications for ecommerce you can use a powerful tool like Customer.io to automate this whole experience. As a Certified Customer.io Agency, we can integrate this as part of our activities.

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